Empowering Diversity in Entrepreneurship: Insights from Dr. Wendy Cukier

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In this compelling episode of the CanadianSME Small Business Podcast, we’re honored to host Dr. Wendy Cukier, a distinguished professor of Entrepreneurship and Strategy and the Founder and Academic Director of the Diversity Institute at Toronto Metropolitan University. Dr. Cukier, who also leads the Women’s Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub and is the Research Lead of the Future Skills Centre, has been a vanguard in promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion. She co-authored the bestseller ‘Innovation Nation: Canadian Leadership From Java to Jurassic Park’ and is a recognized authority in disruptive technologies and innovation. Throughout the episode, Dr. Cukier illuminates the primary barriers faced by diverse entrepreneurs, the role of research in identifying and addressing systemic biases, and strategies for advancing women’s entrepreneurship. She also discusses effective ways to foster an inclusive environment for entrepreneurs from varied backgrounds and the broader implications of entrepreneurship in achieving sustainable development goals.

Key Highlight Points:

  • Dr. Cukier sheds light on the primary barriers entrepreneurs face and how they can be addressed.
  • Insights into how biases manifest in systems and services and the importance of research in tackling these issues.
  • Discussion on strategic initiatives to advance women’s entrepreneurship and their impact.
  • Rethinking the role of entrepreneurs and SMEs in driving economic growth and achieving sustainable development goals.
  • Effective ways to create and nurture inclusive environments for diverse entrepreneurs.
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Our deepest gratitude goes to Dr. Wendy Cukier for sharing her invaluable insights on supporting diverse women entrepreneurs, addressing systemic biases, and strategically advancing women’s entrepreneurship. Dr. Cukier’s expertise and dedication to fostering diversity and inclusion are truly inspiring.

A special thanks to our partners – RBC, UPS, and Xero – for their support. We encourage our listeners to subscribe to CanadianSME Small Business Magazine at www.canadiansme.ca  for more inspiring and informative content.