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Women have been making major strides in the business world, and it’s time for them to take center stage. According to 50% of all startups, today are started by female entrepreneurs; however, access to these equitable funding resources remains a consistent barrier that Keeps many women afloat when faced with financial difficulties or setbacks. Their needs be mentorship programs established around topics like crisis management because sometimes life throws us curve balls we never expected- this can lead one down an unhealthy path if not dealt with properly
We recently had a chance to speak to Anna Sinclair, Founder and CEO of Total Mom Inc. which is a community organization & Media company taking moms from overwhelmed to supported both personally and professionally. Third annual Canada’s Total Mom Pitch, produced by Total Mom Inc., returns to support mom entrepreneurs navigating the changing world of business. Presented by The Scotiabank Women Initiative and powered by GoDaddy, the start-up competition and business summit is a community for entrepreneurs who are mothers.

In this podcast, Anna shares her inspiration behind The Total Mom Pitch (TTMP) and how it poses unique opportunities for mom entrepreneurs in today’s economy. She discussed the biggest challenges facing mom entrepreneurs and how we can encourage more moms to start their own businesses.
Having Anna on our podcast was a lot of fun. As a consultant to +350 Enterprises with a global vision to provide support, opportunities and education to women everywhere while driving impact, Anna’s expertise in strategic partnerships, event production and program production allows her to create meaningful campaigns, events and programs for her clients with a heart-centred approach. We hope you enjoyed it. Please do share the podcast and feel free to check out the other episodes, also don’t forget to subscribe to our magazine to stay up to date on all our upcoming events and get the top business insights from industry leaders