Uncover New Possibilities with Jane Iannacone

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Jigsaw helps small & medium-sized business owners succeed by focusing on the highest impact opportunities to build their businesses, while staying true to their life’s ambitions – building sustainable businesses that work for their lives, rather than competing with them.

From strategic repositioning to streamlining of management systems, they teach clients to look holistically at their businesses, analyzing what’s working / not working, setting clear priorities, and building step-by-step roadmaps.  

We recently got the chance to chat with Jane Iannacone, Founder and CEO of Jigsaw Performance. Jane is a business consultant and strategist who helps business owners develop the mindset and skills they need to create sustainable businesses. She transforms businesses, teaching owners to be more strategic by looking at the business in a different way. You and your business will flourish under Jane’s guidance.  

In this podcast, Jane shared her definition of leadership and what leadership skills should small business owners adopt to cope with these tough times. She also added her advice to women entrepreneurs during this crisis and what is really required for small business owners to create high-impact results during these challenging times?